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Friday, January 28, 2011

Beginning of our Baby Journey

Welcome to my blog. I hope you find this blog encouraging and inspirational. How our baby journey started….

Almost 4 years ago, Mark and I were at Westfest resting in the RV. Our talk went from wedding talk to baby talk. We both decided in that moment, we could not wait to have our own baby. Shortly after the wedding, November 2007, I stopped taking birth control pills and we started trying for a baby.

Now, stepping back one year before the wedding (August 2006). I underwent a surgery to remove a fibroid in the muscle of my uterus. The fibroid was a size of a grapefruit and was very painful. Due to the fibroid, my doctored wanted me on birth control pills to keep additional fibroids from developing and to reserve my eggs. I always hoped this surgery did not damage my chances for having a baby some day.

Nine months after Mark and I started trying we decided to speak with my OBGYN to determine our next steps. Our doctor at the time decided to start scheduling test to determine if we had any problems. I had an ultra sound around February 2008. Our priest started the anointing of the sick the Friday before Easter 2008.

My doctor dismissed my concerns about the pains I had in my ovaries. The doctor said it was my intestines, but I did not agree (this pain is later understood).  I decided to see the reproductive endocrinologist who performed my surgery. Dr. Barnett did not think I had any damages from the surgery and thought I was not ovulating. Immediately Dr. Barnett ordered Clomid and Ovidrel (HCG). Clomid develops your eggs and HCG is the “trigger” shot to make the eggs release.

After we returned home, we decided not to use the assistance of Clomid at this time. My OBGYN scheduled a Hysterosalpingogram to check my tubes and ensure I did not have any blockage. The test showed my tubes were open and no damage from the surgery. After these results, we decided to keep trying on our own.   

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