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Thursday, February 10, 2011

No Change

I do not have anything new to report today. My fertility monitor still indicates high and my temperature is still low. I am hoping for a Peak Day tomorrow, or I will have to receive a shot.

Passage from Breaking the Jewish Code by Perry Stone:

“Parents should believe that their child (or children) has a purpose and destiny to fulfill in life. David said God knew him, his bodily features, and even numbered his days before he was born (Ps 139:13-16). The barren womb will sing because a voice for the future is developing in the belly of a praying woman.”


I did do very well on my diet this week, partly because I did not feel well. I am starting over today and I am hoping to stick with it this time. I am currently on weight watchers; however, I try to eat healthy on the plan. Weight Watchers will allow you to eat whatever you want, as long as you stay within your points. Weight Watchers does push for you to choose healthier items, but I take it one step future. In our house we try to eat gluten free and either organic or whole foods (food found in nature and have not been processed into something else). A good rule of thumb, if we know what the ingredients are on the package, it is okay to eat. If we cannot understand or know what the ingredients are on the package food, we do not eat the food. Now I am going to start speaking about the good things I am eating.

Good foods to eat are:

Olive Oil
Unrefined Carbohydrates
High Levels of Fruits and Vegetables (I try to a eat  variety and 9 servings a day)
Protein – fuel for physical cellar development of the placenta and amniotic tissues
Nuts – protein and have folic acid
Dark Greens
Leafy Vegetables
Yellow, Red, and Orange Vegetables

To avoid hungry pains I try to eat 25 to 35 grams of fiber a day. Fiber helps me stay full long.

Good sources of Folate Rich Foods:

Citrus Fruit

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