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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Still Waiting for Ovulation - Day 14

We are still waiting for ovulation today (cycle day 14).  Not all women ovulate on day14, this is why you should chart, and use a fertility monitor or OPK (ovulation predictor kit). My fertility monitor said today is a high day, and we are waiting to for a Peak Day to determine if I am going to ovulate on my own. My temperature went up today; however, it is still below my cover line. Most of you may ask what is a cover line and what does that have to do with ovulation? The cover line is very important and I am going to explain the process to you.

Each morning I take my temperature at the same day (within 30 minute time frame), and before I get out of bed. Following these instructions is very crucial to the process, if you want accurate results. If you take your temperature too early, too late, or move too much it can affect your temperature. I have a note pad and my Basal thermometer (You need a Basal thermometer which calculates to the 1/100 degree) beside my bed.  

Before ovulation, in general your temperature is below the cover line. Once you ovulate, your temperature will be above your cover line. For a confirmed pregnancy, your temperature should stay high for 18 days. You can test for a pregnancy around 14 days past ovulations (dpo); however, you may not receive a positive result. As long as your temperature stays high, you should still have hope. If your temperature is high and you have spotting around days 7 to 10 dpo, it is probably from an egg implant. These guidelines are for a typical cycle; however, other factors may influence a different outcome. If you have any questions, always consult your doctor.

When I ovulate, I will start back on Prometrium, which will make my temperature high. Since I am on Prometrium, I will probably not see a drop in my temperature, if I am not pregnant. Once my cycle starts, I will stop the Prometrium and my temperature will go back down.

I take a print out of my chart with me to every appointment and my doctor find it very useful. Sometimes you cannot see the forest for the trees. Dr. Rister and I talked about seeing the whole chart vs reviewing it in pieces. You may not be able to see what happened during your current cycle until you see a completed chart. My chart has assisted Dr. Rister in diagnosing what my body is doing, along with blood test and ultrasounds.

Back to the cover line. How to you create a cover line? I use a software from Take Charge of Your Fertility (; however, another good site is Fertility Friend ( Both website use similar software to assist you in charting your cycle. To create the cover line without using the software: Once you have a rise in temperature (usually .4 degrees or more), review your last six temperature, and draw the line one-tenth of a degree above the highest temperature. Now you have a cover line; however, if you use software for charting, it will draw it for you.

Psalms 113:9 – He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Sammy! Sorry I did not respond sooner, I have been offline. Yes, I love the ovulation predictor kids, they are great.
